Meeting minutes - Jul 11th, 2022

Attached is a PDF of the meeting minutes from Jul 11th, 2022.

Executive summary:

   - The PNG spec should clarify ambiguities if there are known real world
   - UTF Byte Order Marks (BOMs) should not be supported in Latin-1 chunks.
   The existing approach has been to create a new UTF chunk. And BOMs are
   poorly supported in various tools.
   - All GitHub issues have been reviewed and marked with
   "blocking-3rd-edition-wd" if they should be resolved before the first
   working draft is published. This means that once those issues are all close
   we will publish the first working draft.

The next meeting will be Jul 25th, 2022 from 11am-noon Eastern US time.
The topics will be GitHub issues 11
<> [1] and 12
<> [2]. These issues are about
spec wording for filters and CRC calculation not being clear. Please read
those sections of the spec in advance and propose changes in the
relevant GitHub issues.


Received on Monday, 11 July 2022 16:38:27 UTC