RE: PLING Wiki Site: Use Cases, Policy Frameworks and Related Activities

Hi Marco,
Thank you (and others who may have contributed) for getting the Wiki up
and initialized.
Wrt the "Policy Languages and Frameworks" section, I suggest the
following candidate additions:
   - Frameworks:
     - WS-Policy
     - OASIS SCA Policy Framework
     - 3GPP2 IMS (PDF, RCAF, etc.)
   - Languages:
     - Ponder
     - PECAN
In general, I am making these suggestions at this time to "test" what
is intended to be included in (or excluded from) the PLING coverage
more than anything else...before diving into more detailed discussions.


[] On Behalf Of Casassa Mont, Marco
	Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:39 AM
	Subject: PLING Wiki Site: Use Cases, Policy Frameworks and
Related Activities
Hi all.
The PLING Wiki site is now up and running:
This community is invited to contribute and populate its pages with
thoughts, input and comments about three main topics:
1) Use Cases
2) Policy Frameworks
3) Related Initiatives
Please notice that the "Use Cases" section currently contains the
policy use case highlighted by Michael Wilson along with a comment of
mine. Feel free to add your use cases and/or comments.
The "Policy Language" section has been populated with an initial draft
page, categorising some of the current policy languages and frameworks.
Finally, the "Related Inititiatives" section has also been populated
with an initial list of projects/activities of some relevance to PLING.
This is a very draft list, open to contributions.
Feel free to register to the PLING Wiki side and add your


Marco Casassa Mont
Senior Researcher
Hewlett-Packard Labs

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Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2008 15:53:22 UTC