RE: Question about W3C Rule Interchange Format

> Piero and All - could this lack of progress (specifically in terms of the
> two highlighted points) be due to the fact that RIF is a reasonably recent
> specification or are there any intrinsic adoption  problem (e.g.
> complexity, lack of requirements/needs, no support from vendors, etc.)?
> Any clue?

well, as far as I can observe the main reason might actually be that RIF
is  young. moreover, the usual issues affected the standardization

- wheel rediscovery and complication of simple things due to different
background, company interests etc.

- eventually lots of effort to publish a document on the core of the
standard in reasonable time (I believe the first recommendation has been
released very recently)

- all advanced/specific topics postponed

moreover, I believe that REWERSE was the only partner with specific
expertise on security/privacy applications


Received on Sunday, 31 August 2008 19:40:34 UTC