Re: Is it necessary for the semantic web to be self contradictory?

On 27 May 2015 at 03:14, Larry Masinter <> wrote:

>  Missing reference, what is the distinction before “Form” and “forms”?
> But the Semantic Web is a web of utterances by distributed players which
> are all intrinsically ambiguous and highly likely to be full of
> contradictions and differences of opinion.
> The main ‘invention’ of the web (and Gopher before it) was the distributed
> authority of having uncoordinated but linked data resources. A semantic WEB
> needs the same freedom for different serves to make contradictory
> assertions… is that what you mean?

The best reference I could find on the web right now is:

>From Umberto Eco (The Role of the Reader) writing on the "Semantics of

I'll see if I can find a more webby reference with a wider context.

>  Larry
> —
>   On 5/26/15, 1:59 PM, "Melvin Carvalho" <> wrote:
>   I was reading this quote lately:
> In order for the Global Semantic System to be able to produce creative
> utterances, *it is necessary* that it be self-contradictory and that no
> *Form* of content exist, only *forms* of content
>  I was wondering if it applies also the semantic web and
> decentralization.

Received on Wednesday, 27 May 2015 12:40:03 UTC