2nd CFP: Web Science 2013 in Paris, France May 1-5th

Philosophy and Web folks,

I'm co-chairing this and we'd *love* to see submissions of "Philosophy 
of the Web", its in the CFP. Note the deadline is in about two weeks!


5th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci '13) <http://www.websci13.org>

May 1-5, 2014. Paris, France

Deadline for papers: Feb. 1st 2013

Web Science is the emergent science of the people, organizations, 
applications, and of policies that shape and are shaped by the Web, the 
largest informational artifact constructed by humans in history. Web 
Science embraces the study of the Web as a vast universal information 
network of people and communities. As such, Web Science includes the 
study of social networks whose work, expression, and play take place on 
the Web. The social sciences and computational sciences meet in Web 
Science and complement one another: Studying human behavior and social 
interaction contributes to our understanding of the Web, while Web data 
is transforming how social science is conducted. The Web presents us 
with a great opportunity as well as an obligation: If we are to ensure 
the Web benefits humanity we must do our best to understand it.

Call for Papers

The Web Science conference is inherently interdisciplinary, as it 
attempts to integrate computer and information sciences, communication, 
linguistics, sociology, psychology, economics, law, political science, 
philosophy, digital humanities, and other disciplines in pursuit of an 
understanding of the Web. This conference is unique in the manner in 
which it brings these disciplines together in creative and critical 
dialogue, and we invite papers from all the above disciplines, and in 
particular those that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries.

Web Science also offers a wide range of presentation modes in keeping 
with its diversity. The conference separates mode of presentation from 
mode of publication; for example, a striking new result might be 
presented as a poster or in a pecha kucha session for short, impactful 
results, and yet would still merit a full ten-page paper in the 
conference proceedings. The Web Science poster session, in particular, 
has been always been exceptionally strong.

Following the success of WebSci'09 in Athens, WebSci'10 in Raleigh, 
WebSci'11 in Koblenz, and WebSci '12 in Evanston, we are seeking papers 
and research notes that describe original research, analysis, and 
practice in the field of Web Science, as well as extended abstracts that 
discuss novel and thought-provoking ideas and works-in-progress.

Possible topics for submissions include, but are not limited to, the 

* Analysis of human behavior using social media, mobile devices, and 
online communities.
* Methodological challenges of analyzing Web-based large-scale social 
* Data-mining and network analysis of the Web and human communities on 
the Web
* Detailed studies of micro-level processes and interactions on the Web
* Collective intelligence, collaborative production, and social computing
* The architecture and philosophy of the Web
* The intersection of design and human interaction on the Web
* Economics and social innovation on the Web
* Governance, democracy, intellectual property, and the commons
* Personal data, trust, and privacy
* Web and social media research ethics
* Studies of Linked Data, the Cloud, and digital eco-systems.
* Web access, literacy, and development
* Knowledge, education, and scholarship on and through the Web
* People-driven Web technologies, including crowd-sourcing, open data, 
and new interfaces
* Digital humanities, webarchiving techniques and scholarly uses of Web 
* New research questions and thought-provoking ideas


Web Science is necessarily a very selective conference with a rigorous 
review process. To accommodate the distinct traditions of its many 
disciplines, we provide three different submission formats: papers, 
notes, and abstracts.

Research Papers & Research Notes

Research papers and research notes should present new results and 
original work that has not been previously published. Research papers 
should present significant theoretical, empirical, methodological, or 
policy-oriented contributions to research and/or practice. Research 
notes should describe brief and focused research contributions that are 
noteworthy. Archival is optional.

Papers, which should be in English, can be up to 10 pages; notes up to 4 
pages. All submissions should be formatted according to the official ACM 
SIG proceedings template (WebSci archive format at 
<http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates> and 
submitted via EasyChair 

Extended abstracts

Extended abstracts, which should be in English, can be up to 6 pages, 
and should be formatted according to the official ACM SIG abstract 
template (extended abstract format at 
<https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pl130rtd134fxu6/hiyzXgWwTs>) and submitted 
via EasyChair (<https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=websci2013>).

Web Science Fringe Festival

The Web Science Fringe Festival takes an "unconference" approach to 
presenting work from the arts and sciences that pertains to Web Science 
but falls outside the conventional range of academic publication in the 
natural and social sciences. This might include, for example:

* performance art on, in, or about the Web
* painting, sculpture, or other media that comments on Web phenomena
* interactive drama and hyperdrama, either within or outside the Web
* electronic literature and virtual art
* pioneering web design
* location-aware and location-specific narrative
* augmented reality
* netart
* artistic data visualizations

This catalog is intended to be suggestive but not exhaustive. 
Unconventional presentations and interactions are encouraged. Limited 
assistance may be available to creators. Archival documentation is 
optional. French Language events are also encouraged.

The call for Web Science Fringe Events will follow in early February.

Review, Publication, and Presentation

The Web Science program committee consists of a senior program committee 
that covers all relevant areas of Web Science as well as regular program 
committee members from these areas. Each submission will be refereed by 
at least 3 PC members and one senior PC member, to cover both the 
research background of each submission as well as the necessary 
interdisciplinary aspects.

Review criteria for all types of submissions include significance, 
originality, presentation, validity, and the ability to stimulate 
discussion, with different emphases depending on the submission category 
to allow for consideration of all relevant works contributing to the 
advancement of Web Science.

All accepted papers, notes, and extended abstracts will appear in the 
Web Science 2013 Conference Proceedings and can also be made available 
through the ACM Digital Library, in the same length and format of the 
submission (although those wishing not be indexed can "opt out" of the 
proceedings). Regardless of the submission format, accepted submissions 
will be presented in one of three formats: 1) as a 20-minute 
presentation followed by discussion, 2) during one of the poster 
presentations and discussion sessions, 3) or as part of a panel 
discussion. Research papers, research notes, and extended abstracts are 
eligible for presentation in any of the three formats, depending on 
reviewer recommendations. Submissions that are thought-provoking and 
novel will be more appropriate for longer presentation, while those that 
are expected to stimulate discussion will be ideal for presentation in 
smaller groups or as posters.


* February 1st 2013: Submissions of papers, notes, and fringe festival 
proposals due
* February 4th 2013, Workshop Proposals due
* March 1st 2013: Notification of acceptance  for papers and notes
* February 15 2013: Workshop Acceptance Notification:
* March 15th 2013: Camera-ready version of papers and notes due.
* March 16th 2013: Submissions of late-breaking extended abstracts due
* March 30, 2013: Final workshop proceedings, including attendees list
* April 9th 2013: Notification of acceptance of late-breaking extended 
* May 2-4, 2013: Web Science 2013, Paris, France
* May 1st and May 5th 2013: Web Science 2013 Workshops, Paris, France

General Chairs

Hugh Davis, University of Southampton, UK
Harry Halpin, W3C/IRI, France
Alex "Sandy" Pentland, MIT, USA

Proceedings Chair
Matthew S. Webber, Rutgers University

Program Chairs

Mark Bernstein, Eastgate Systems, Inc. USA

Lada A. Adamic (University of Michigan)
Harith Alani (Knowledge Media Institute)
Alexandre Monnin (Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne/IRI/INRIA)
Richard Rogers (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Ioannis Anagnostopoulos (University of the Aegean)
Lora Aroyo (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Wouter Van Atteveldt (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Bruno Bachimont (UTC)
Alain Barrat (C.N.R.S.)
Nancy Baym (University of Kansas)
Jamie Blustein (Dalhousie University)
Michael Bywater (University of Warwick)
Carlos Alberto Alejandro CASTILLO (Qatar Computing Research Institute)
Dominique Cardon (Orange Labs)
Les Carr (University of Southhampton)
Ciro Cattuto (ISI Foundation)
Pablo Cesar (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
John Henry Clippinger (Harvard University)
Kate Crawford (University of New South Wales)
Brian Croxall (Emory University)
David DeRoure (University of Southhampton)
Stefan Dietze (L3S)
Alan Dix (University of Birmingham)
Graeme Earl (University of Southhampton)
Jim Fallows (The Atlantic Monthly)
Miriam Fernandez (Open University)
Fabien Gandon (INRIA)
Aldo Gangemi (CNR)
Carole Goble (The University of Manchester)
Dave Grey: Liminl LLC)
Conor Hayes (DERI)
Clare Hooper (University of Southhampton)
Yuk Hui (University of Luneberg)
Nicolas Jullien (TELECOM Bretagne)
Marcel Karnstedt (DERI)
Jerome Kunegis (Universität Koblenz-Landau)
George P. Landow (Brown University)
Christophe Lejeune (Université de Liège)
Pierre Livet (Université d'Aix)
Cathy Marshall (Microsoft Research)
Stacey Mason (Univeristy of California Santa Cruz)
J. Nathan Matias (MIT)
Yelena Mejova (Yahoo Research)
Yann Moulier-Boutang (Université de Technologie de Compiègne,)
Frank Nack (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Wolfgang Nejdl (L3S)
Kieron O'Hara (University of Southhampton)
Gilles Phillips (Constant Contact)
Daniele Quercia (Yahoo Labs)
Jill Walker Rettberg (Universitetet i Bergen)
Daniel Romero (Northwestern University)
Inbal Ronen (IBM)
Matthew Rowe (University of Lancaster)
Daniel Schwabe (Pontifica Universidade Católica)
Wendy Seltzer (Yale)
Judith Simon (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Eddie Soulier (Université de Technologie de Troyes)
Steffen Staab (Universität Koblenz-Landau)
Susana Pajares Tosca (IT-Universitetet i København)
Johann Ugander (Cornell University)
Michalis Vafopoulos (National Technical University of Athens)
Tommaso Venturini (Science Po)
Mark Veyrat (Université de Savoie)
Matthew Weber (Rutgers University)
Marcus Wigan (Oxford Systematics)


Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2013 14:42:56 UTC