Re: Speech Acts

Dear all,

me too! Thanks for the interesting discussion, Henry. I hope I'll get 
around to writing down a few paragraphs later this week. Next Monday 
will be difficult for me; but you might well meet without me this time. 
I'll rejoin you on any Monday in the following weeks.

Best regards, Stephan

Am 02.07.2012 18:08, schrieb Rolf Kailuweit:
> Hi Henry,
> That would be very interesting for me, too. I am sorry that I couldnt
> participate today.
> Best
> Rolf
> Am 02.07.2012 14:26, schrieb Henry Story:
>> On 2 Jul 2012, at 13:51, Georg Groh wrote:
>>> dear all,
>>> sorry for missing today's meeting but i had to attend an unforseen
>>> but nevertheless urgent meeting.
>>> i am nevertheless looking forward to joining your next meeting, if i
>>> still may. :-)
>> Hi Georg,
>> Stephan and I had a good conversation today. He will send a couple of
>> paragraph summary
>> to this list later.
>> But I think it's one of those subjects we have to go over again and
>> again, as we are linking together many different areas of thought,
>> which don't often get linked - so repetition is going to be welcome.
>> What about having the next meeting next week at the same time?
>> Henry
>>> very best regards
>>> georg
>>> Am 26.06.2012 16:28, schrieb Henry Story:
>>>> On 24 Jun 2012, at 09:13, Henry Story wrote:
>>>>> On 24 Jun 2012, at 08:59, Stephan Packard wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Henry, dear all,
>>>>>> while this communication has gone to sleep, I hope it isn't dead,
>>>>>> or at least that we can eventually revive it -- I'm stil very much
>>>>>> interested in developing a view on internet communication from a
>>>>>> pragmatic perspective, and I think that Henry's sumary of
>>>>>> Derrida's critique is spot-on.
>>>>>> For my part, I see I have some trouble finding time to do the
>>>>>> topic justice as a sidebar to daily work, but if we could find a
>>>>>> clearer schedule, I'd certainly make myself work towards that.
>>>>>> Perhaps if we settle on a clear reading list for an exchange by
>>>>>> mail, or a set date for a skype conversation? Alternatively, I
>>>>>> could also imagine a live meeting at Freiburg or elsewhere, if we
>>>>>> might work better with a day or two set apart; we should be able
>>>>>> to get some funds for that, I think. What do you all think?
>>>>> Yes, certainly. I have to do a presentation for a summer course on
>>>>> Plato in France, where I would
>>>>> like to integrate some of my reading on Speech Acts. In any case I
>>>>> think we should talk a bit
>>>>> because that is often a very good way to remember what one has
>>>>> read: by trying to apply it in a
>>>>> discussion.
>>>>> Here is a Doodle. Fill in the times, then we can organise a
>>>>> Skype/phone meeting
>>>> Looks like a good time will be the coming Monday 2 June, 11-12 am
>>>> Paris time.
>>>> Or precisely
>>>> I am bblfish on Skype, and there is a telephone number in France you
>>>> can call that will also tie
>>>> into Skype +33 9 70 44 86 64
>>>> Look forward to talking with you then.
>>>> Henry
>>>>>> Best regards, Stephan
>>>>>> On 22.05.2012 10:42, Henry Story wrote:
>>>>>>> On 21 May 2012, at 17:43, Henry Story wrote:
>>>>>>>> I have read the Searle/Derrida debate, gathered in Limited Inc
>>>>>>>> [1], last year.
>>>>>>>> But then I don't think I fully understood where Derrida was
>>>>>>>> coming from,
>>>>>>>> and have been trying to get some understanding of the big picture.
>>>>>>>> I think I have a bit of a better overview now of the space, and
>>>>>>>> I could re-read
>>>>>>>> it again, but also there are a few books on the subject which I
>>>>>>>> wanted to read.
>>>>>>>> - "Derrida/Searle, Déconstruction et language ordinaries" Raoul
>>>>>>>> Moati
>>>>>>> So I just finished this.
>>>>>>> It is very helpful book, arguing very clearly for an
>>>>>>> understanding of how the two authors diverge and why, which is
>>>>>>> pretty difficult to work out if you don't have a good grounding
>>>>>>> in both philosophies. The author argues that for Derrida there is
>>>>>>> a phenomenological presupposition of the way intentionality
>>>>>>> functions which he reads mistakenly into Austin. Where for Searle
>>>>>>> linguistic conventions, and for Austin context - also understood
>>>>>>> as conventional games - gives the explanation of an act of
>>>>>>> language, and so does not imply the need for a (subjective)
>>>>>>> intention (or at least allows the internal state to differ from
>>>>>>> what is said ), Derrida tended to read this Husserlian
>>>>>>> Intentionality into their use of meaning: the intention behind
>>>>>>> the saying he believed to be the model Searle was using. For
>>>>>>> Derrida too meaning is conventional, but he believes it is always
>>>>>>> transforming and changing in a way he believes undermines the
>>>>>>> idea of the sameness of meaning to lead us to an ontology of the pri
>>>>>> ority of change, or iteration over identity (which seems to echo
>>>>>> the title of Deleuze's first book "Différence et repetition"). But
>>>>>> this just leads me to think that the next place to look at is Ruth
>>>>>> Garrett Millikan, since her biological model of language builds on
>>>>>> evolutionary theories, which describe organisms that are of course
>>>>>> are always changing and transforming and work with a context ( the
>>>>>> eco-sphere ) which is not clearly isolatable but yet which is
>>>>>> essential to understanding the life of the organism.
>>>>>>>> - "Deconstruction and Speech Act Theory: A Defence of the
>>>>>>>> Distinction between Normal and Parasitic Speech Acts"
>>>>>>>> - In Millikan's "Language: A Biological Model" 'Proper Function
>>>>>>>> and Convention in Speech Acts'
>>>>>>>> I am not sure if Nissenbaum speaks of speech acts yet, but she
>>>>>>>> speaks of context and its importance to privacy,
>>>>>>>> which is I think part of how this ends up getting to be
>>>>>>>> interesting to the philosophy of the web.
>>>>>>>> in my "Philosophy of the social web" slides 40-47 I cover a
>>>>>>>> little bit the relation between speech acts
>>>>>>>> and HTTP requests on the world wide web.
>>>>>>>> That is probably enough for the moment.
>>>>>>>> My guess is that the language games for the forms of life of
>>>>>>>> humans before the internet,
>>>>>>>> such as Searle, Austin, Wittgenstein and Derrida were, may no
>>>>>>>> longer apply to forms of
>>>>>>>> life with computers (us), where things that resemble human
>>>>>>>> speech acts but are not
>>>>>>>> quite the same, (perhaps these are document acts) come to be
>>>>>>>> very useful. I think that
>>>>>>>> should perhaps bring a new angle to the debate.
>>>>>>>> Henry
>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>> Social Web Architect
>>>>>>> Social Web Architect
>>>>> Social Web Architect
>>>> Social Web Architect
>>> --
>>> Dr. Georg Groh
>>> Chair for Applied Informatics / Cooperative Systems
>>> TU München, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching, Germany
>>> Room: 01.05.059
>>> Phone: +49 89 289 18678
>>> Fax: +49 89 289 18657
>>> Mobile: +49 179 7953901
>>> Web:
>> Social Web Architect

Dr. Stephan Packard
Juniorprofessor für Medienkulturwissenschaft
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Werthmannstraße 16, 79098 Freiburg

Received on Wednesday, 4 July 2012 06:58:28 UTC