Re: issue-633 Updates to grid and gridcell roles

Hey Matt,

On 2015-10-01 12:05 PM, Matt King wrote:
> I don't think we need to focus on selection in the short description.
> Practically all interactive widgets support it and we do not consistently
> call it out in the short description.

Aside from rewording the grid role, the idea that most interactive 
widgets support selection made me wonder.  I've looked, and I don't 
think that's right.

Seven roles support aria-selected.  They are gridcell, option, row, tab, 
columnheader, rowheader, and treeitem [1].

There are 36 widget roles [2].  It's arguable that seven of the widget 
roles are not interactive, namely, alert, log, marquee, progressbar, 
status, timer, and radiogroup.  That leave 29 interactive widget roles.

If the roles that support aria-multiselectable are included, that adds 
five more roles that have something to do with selection: grid, listbox, 
tablist, tree, and treegrid [3].  That raises the total to 12 roles.  
That's less than half of the interactive widget roles.



'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Thursday, 8 October 2015 14:56:39 UTC