Re: Action-1640

I don't know what AIA is. Here is the web driver project:

There are more than things like roles that we need to test for. Also, the
DOM is very short sighted. As you know more and more content is being
injected into web pages that we will never see show up in the DOM.
Element.getComputedRole is a non-starter.

Rich Schwerdtfeger

From:	James Craig <>
To:	Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
Cc:	PF <>, WAI XTech <>
Date:	05/21/2015 12:29 PM
Subject:	Re: Action-1640

> On May 21, 2015, at 6:42 AM, Richard Schwerdtfeger <>
> We are doing that James but we need a layer that works with web driver

WebDriver is a Windows-specific tool. Perhaps even specific to Internet
Explorer, is it not?

> and Selenium that talks to the API exposed by webkit. We are doing this
to test the accessibility API mapping on all the platforms.

That sounds a lot like the old AIA project. Have any other UA implementors
expressed an interest in this?

Seems like the better approach is to push harder for Element.computedRole()
and other related DOM interfaces so these can be standard tests in
JavaScript through any number of platform-specific tools, including but not
limited to WebDriver, Selenium, etc.


> Rich Schwerdtfeger
> From:		 James Craig <>
> To:		 Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
> Cc:		 PF <>, WAI XTech <>
> Date:		 05/20/2015 02:31 AM
> Subject:		 Re: Action-1640
>> I'm sorry, no. I can't commit anyone's time to this at the moment.
>> I'd encourage you to take the TTWF approach [1] as much as possible.
Writing web standard tests using JavaScript that work in any browser will
be much more effective in the long run than writing platform-specific
wrappers introducing fragility.
>> 1.
>> On May 19, 2015, at 12:52 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger <>
>>> Hi James,
>>> Do you have someone who can work with the aapi task force, that Joseph
chairs, to write web driver code to do automated testing of Safari for ARIA
1.1? We are working plans to do more automated testing for ARIA 1.1 and are
currently working out plans to do automated testing for IE, Chrome,Firefox
on Windows, and Firefox,Webkit on Linux.
>>> Rich
>>> Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Thursday, 21 May 2015 18:50:36 UTC