RE: [HTML-AAM] lang attributes exposed via acc APIs

I found this in the UIA documentation [1].  I don’t know how widely implemented it is.


Identifies the Culture property, which contains a locale identifier for the automation element (for example, 0x0409 for "en-US" or English (United States)).

Each locale has a unique identifier, a 32-bit value that consists of a language identifier and a sort order identifier. The locale identifier is a standard international numeric abbreviation and has the components necessary to uniquely identify one of the installed operating system-defined locales. For more information, see Language Identifier Constants and Strings [2]

This property may exist on a per-control basis, but typically is only available on an application level.

Variant type: VT_I4

Default value: 0


Go ahead and give us a bug against Edge for this.

From: Steve Faulkner []
Sent: Monday, May 4, 2015 9:54 AM
To: HTMLWG WG; Cynthia Shelly; W3C WAI Protocols & Formats
Subject: [HTML-AAM] lang attributes exposed via acc APIs

I have been looking at how the HTML lang attribute is exposed in acc APIs

in IA2/APK it is exposed by the 'language' text-attribute object
in OSX AX it is exposed via the AXLanguage property

So Firefox on windows/linux does expose
Safari on OSX does (and presumably iOS)

IE/Edge does not
Chrome does not

the implementation details for chrome are clear, but not for IE/Edge

Does UIA expose the lang attribute?

I have filed a bug on chrome/OSX as it doesn't expose lang currently

It does not expose on windows either, but have learned that implementation of Ia2 text attributes in chrome is going to happen!topic/chromium-accessibility/YTlaYKzaiXc



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Received on Thursday, 7 May 2015 22:36:12 UTC