Re: aria-kbdshortcuts property for review - ACTION-1642

I’m generally opposed to this addition. The major problems yet to be addressed are:

1. This does not account for cross-platform usage. E.g. <button> shortcut is space bar on Mac, Enter on Windows, and that’s the simplest example. The “meta” keyword is a start, but that only helps with simple shortcuts, like copy/paste.

2. This does not add support for actually capturing the keys, so there is a high potential for mismatch via author error, leading to user confusion. I feel this is the strongest case against this new property.

3. There is no internationalization support. E.g. What is Ctrl+M on a Russian or Hindi keyboard?

4. Minor nits: “kbdshortcuts” is a hybridization of abbreviation and not, and also pluralized for some reason.

In order to make this work consistently, you’d need something more akin to @srcset, but with an added DOM interface to account for keyboard event interception.

I don’t believe this proposal is ready for the spec. At a minimum, it should be marked as at-risk for these reasons.


> On Jun 12, 2015, at 8:43 AM, Michael Cooper <> wrote:
> I have posted a branch with Rich's proposal for the aria-kbdshortcuts property:
> A couple notes:
> I made "must" to be RFC2199 MUST.
> Because of this, the DOM Level 3 KeyboardEvent key Values spec needed to be a normative reference. We've avoided having too many normative dependencies, and while it's ok for now, ARIA 1.1 wouldn't be able to advance to Recommendation until that spec does. That may be appropriate, but I wanted to point it out.
> After putting the property on the four roles listed in Rich's proposal, I note that it inherited into one role not listed in the proposal: switch. That's probably fine but wanted to make sure it was clear where it's inheriting into.
> Michael

Received on Friday, 12 June 2015 16:52:09 UTC