Re: More thoughts on ISSUE-736 -- names for list items (Resending to fix links)

Hi Joseph, all.

Related to this:

On 08/04/2015 03:16 PM, Joseph Scheuhammer wrote:

> Questions:
> 1. Why is an accessible name required for list items?
> 2. Why shouldn't name-from-author be allowed for list items?
> 3. Do all screen readers show the same behaviour, namely, ignoring the
> accessible content and only presenting the accessible name?
> 4. Given that a list item can contain structured content, how do screen
> readers allow users to access that content even in the *absence* of
> @aria-label?

An example of accessible names going (imho) horribly awry with list
items can be seen in doxygen-generated pages, such as this one:

If I view that page in Firefox and use Accerciser to get the name of the
first list item of the accessible list associated with the left-hand
pane, I get:

'PulseAudio\xa0Introduction\xa0Simple API\xa0Asynchronous
API\xa0Threads\xa0Error Handling\xa0pkg-configSimple APIAsynchronous
APIChannel MapsSample Format SpecificationsVolume Control\xa0Deprecated
ListData StructuresFilesExamples'

If you then expand just the first-level of each topic under PulseAudio,
you wind up with a list item with this name:

'PulseAudio\xa0Introduction\xa0Simple API\xa0Asynchronous
API\xa0Threads\xa0Error Handling\xa0pkg-configSimple
API\xa0Overview\xa0Connecting\xa0Transferring Data\xa0Buffer
control\xa0CleanupAsynchronous API\xa0Overview\xa0Main Loop
Abstraction\xa0Reference CountingContext\xa0FunctionsMain LoopThreaded
Main LoopGLIB Main Loop BindingsAudio StreamsSample CacheServer Query
and ControlEvent SubscriptionChannel
Maps\xa0Overview\xa0Initialisation\xa0Convenience FunctionsSample Format
Specifications\xa0Overview\xa0Sample Format\xa0Sample
Rates\xa0Channels\xa0Calculations\xa0Convenience FunctionsVolume
Functions\xa0Deprecated ListData StructuresData Structures\xa0Data
Structure IndexData FieldsFilesFile

Yikes! Please tell me that is a bug in Firefox and not a feature of
implementing the spec correctly.

BTW (and mostly for Joseph): If you try this test yourself, any time you
collapse or expand something in the list in question, you need to clear
the cache to see the changed name (by default, names are cached by
AT-SPI2; Accerciser uses the default caching options). You can clear the
cache with acc.clearCache() in the iPython console. Then you can get the
updated name with Or you can just quit and restart Accerciser.
Or you can just trust me that the name of certain list items rapidly
goes to pot. ;)


Received on Wednesday, 19 August 2015 15:58:12 UTC