RE: HTML5 aside element and role=complementary don't appear to match?

Bryan Garaventa wrote:
"I guess the part that sounds unclear to me, is that when it states
"designed to be complementary to the main content at a similar level in the
DOM hierarchy", it seems to be saying that role=complementary should not be
included within the main content, such as within a role=main container."

It does seem that way. It might also explain why "complimentary" has always
felt like an awkward fit for the <aside> element. 

Outside of HTML "aside" and "complimentary" have quite distinct meanings.
The definitions for the role and element respectively seem to capture those
differences. It's the mapping that doesn't seem to fit. 

At the risk of opening a can of worms, are we too late to introduce an aside
role? What would complimentary be used for if we did?


Senior Accessibility Engineer, TPG
@LeonieWatson @PacielloGroup

Received on Sunday, 23 November 2014 10:54:27 UTC