HTML5 aside element and role=complementary don't appear to match?

I was reading the description for the aside element at

And the default role for this element is mapped to complementary

Within the aside description, it states that an aside element can be placed between two paragraphs as shown in one of the examples.

In looking at the ARIA role for complementary though, at
It states
"A supporting section of the document, designed to be complementary to the main content at a similar level in the DOM hierarchy, but remains meaningful when separated from the main content."

I guess the part that sounds unclear to me, is that when it states "designed to be complementary to the main content at a similar level in the DOM hierarchy", it seems to be saying that role=complementary should not be included within the main content, such as within a role=main container.

Does this sound clear to others?

Received on Friday, 21 November 2014 19:35:39 UTC