Re: Agenda: November 17, 2014 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

Hi Michael,

> - Check in on heartbeat / FPWD publication
>     - ARIA 1.1
>     - Core-AAM
>     - AccName-AAM

Can we try to resolve ISSUE-681[1], adding entries for "Node" and "Text 
node" in the comment terms document?  The terms are used and referenced 
numerous times in AccName-AAM, and it would be useful to have them 
defined for the heartbeat.

Repeating the proposed definitions from the issue below.  The 
capitalized items in the definitions are terms already in the glossary.

"Node: Basic type of Object in the DOM tree or Accessibility Tree. DOM 
nodes are further specified as Element or Text nodes, among other types. 
The nodes of an Accessibility Tree are Accessible Objects."

"Text node:  Type of DOM Node that represents the textual content of an 
Attribute or an Element. A Text node has no child nodes."



'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Friday, 14 November 2014 21:28:52 UTC