Re: First draft of ARIA 1.1. "text" role

On Nov 11, 2014, at 4:44 AM, Joanmarie Diggs <> wrote:

> When you tell an assistive technology "this object is text," I think
> it's reasonable for that assistive technology to assume that there is
> text present, that the platform's accessible text interface is
> implemented, etc. And that's not the case here.

I think I hear you saying you'd want to have Orca rely on the browser cursor to navigate between characters in text, and since there is no rendered text, that would not be possible. If so, this is an implementation detail, is it not? I don't see this as being any more challenging to expose than an empty span with @aria-label.

For example, if this example is implementable:
<span role="text" aria-label="love">♥︎</span>

Then this example is also implementable:
<span role="text" aria-label="love"><!-- no text exposed --></span>

Ergo, this is also implementable.
<img role="text" aria-label="love"><!-- also no text exposed -->

I don't see how one platform-specific implementation challenge negates the worthiness of the feature.


Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2014 02:49:36 UTC