Re: First draft of ARIA 1.1. "text" role

Hey Alex.

On 11/11/2014 10:24 AM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
> That makes sense. Are there ideas how to map it accessibility API?

I had a long <strike>rant</strike> chat today with the ATK maintainer
about this. We looked at all the roles that would work and none seemed
to fit. So we concluded that providing a clearly-defined and documented
new role would be the way to go. I opened a bug against ATK [1] and have
a proposed patch [2]. Piñeiro's gone for the day, but hopefully he'll
review it tomorrow. In the meantime, as an implementor, please let me
know what you think -- preferably by commenting on the bug.


P.S. Piñeiro and I also talked about how much the ATK documentation
sucks regarding other text roles. That's next on my hit list. ;)


Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 21:53:23 UTC