On 11 November 2014 02:38, Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs@igalia.com> wrote:
> confuses me. Unlike the first set of examples, there is no actual
> (rendered) text there because the element is an image. So why should
> this non-textual object be exposed to accessibility APIs as plain text?
Hi JoanMarie,
<img alt="some text">
I think, is one of the main use cases for role=text, what it does is ensure
that when a developer (as if often the case unfortunately) uses images of
text/symbols/icons to convey meaning, through the use of role=text the
textual information is conveyed without the role=img noise. The fact that
an image is being used to provide it is an artifact of design/technology
constraints rather than being important information (role=img) that is
conveyed. In these cases, the medium is not the message.
It is pertinent to consider that when images are disabled or not available
alt text is rendered as text in place of the <img> in browsers.
HTML 5.1 <http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/>