Re: First draft of ARIA 1.1. "text" role

> On Nov 10, 2014, at 12:44 PM, Steve Faulkner <> wrote:
> On 10 November 2014 19:40, James Craig <> wrote:
> First draft of ARIA 1.1. "text" role
> unclear why
> <img src="icon.gif" alt="heart" role="text" aria-label="heart">
> requires the addition of the aria-label,? when img role is overridden by other roles alt still works to provide the accessible name. 

Quoting from the next line: "Because the element is no longer an image, the role-specific host language labeling mechanism (e.g. img@alt) no longer applies."

> also why does the default implicit role need to be included as fallback, if role=text is not recognised wouldn't it just default to img?

The second example uses an img element (<img role="text">) and is in line with your understanding of implicit role fallback. The first example uses span (<span role="text img">) and therefore needs the "img" fallback role.


Received on Monday, 10 November 2014 21:13:25 UTC