RE: SVG 2 User Agent Implementation Guide

Hi Rich,

>>> There is a separate effort underway in the SVG Accessibility Community Group…

Are there plans to unite for collaborative work?

-       Stefan

From: Richard Schwerdtfeger []
Sent: Montag, 31. März 2014 01:19
To: David Dailey
Cc:;; 'Mark Sadecki'; 'W3C WAI Protocols & Formats'; 'SVG WG'; 'SVG public list'
Subject: RE: SVG 2 User Agent Implementation Guide


We agree. That said,  the User Agent Implementation guide for SVG2 will only address how SVG2 markup will get mapped to platform accessibility APIs. That is the scope of this task force and it is not a small effort. This scope of the task force could be expanded in  the future. However, we have a deliverable for ARIA 1.1 and HTML 5.1 implementation guides to be done by the end of 2016. We want to complete the SVG2 implementation guide by this time to align with HTML 5.1 and ARIA 1.1.

There is a second effort where a subteam of the WAI-PF ARIA Task force will be creating graphics semantics. These would be applicable to SVG2, HTML5, and HTML5 Canvas.

Modifications to the SVG2 spec. have been made to add tabindex support (implementations are underway in FF and Chrome Canary) as well as WAI-ARIA support.

There is a separate effort underway in the SVG Accessibility Community Group:


Rich Schwerdtfeger

"David Dailey" <<>> wrote on 03/29/2014 07:47:45 AM:

> From: "David Dailey" <<>>
> To: Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, "'SVG WG'" <public-svg-
><>>, "'SVG public list'" <<>>, "'W3C WAI
> Protocols & Formats'" <<>>
> Cc: <<>>, <<>>, "'Mark Sadecki'" <<>>
> Date: 03/29/2014 07:47 AM
> Subject: RE: SVG 2 User Agent Implementation Guide
> On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 4:43 PM
> Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:

> -----
> We are working to coordinate the development of at least 3 user
> agent implementation guides in PF.
> […]
> 3. An SVG 2 mapping document that covers SVG2. We had asked (SVG
> working group which I am also a member) that this be a joint effort
> between PF and SVG in the form of a task force. Do people have a
> preference that we follow PF's charter or SVGs's charter and ditto
> on the patent policy?
> -------
> Is the scope of work of this task force already known? It strikes me
> that the opportunities for accessibility in SVG are more numerous
> and varied than might be the case in HTML, and that the varieties
> and audiences reached by that accessibility might also be more
> numerous and varied.
> Regards
> David

Received on Monday, 31 March 2014 07:12:58 UTC