Question regarding role="text" example 15

Hey all.

The following is currently in the ARIA spec for role="text":

> The text role can also be used to flatten structural semantics
> without providing an explicit label. The following example would
> be presented to assistive technolgies as one static text element
> ("I like turtles") rather than three separate paragraphs.
> <div role="text">
>   <p>I</p>
>   <p>like</p>
>   <p>turtles</p>
> </div>

I'm first and foremost curious as to the use case. Beyond that, should
the resulting words be separated by spaces or by new line characters? I
would think the latter.


p.s. typo: s/technolgies/technologies/

Received on Thursday, 4 December 2014 16:34:55 UTC