Re: UAIG Menu events

This does not read correctly:

Menubar must a natural parent of the menuitems or one defined by aria-owns

This text (then set menu mode) is not really an MSAA mapping:

EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUSTART on the accessible object for the menubar, then set
menu "mode"

I am not sure we need the last row if Alex agrees to the following:

We get a EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPEND whenever a menu popup close or is
hidden. Row 5 (previous row talks to menu end)

Rich Schwerdtfeger

From:	Joseph Scheuhammer <>
To:	Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, Joseph Scheuhammer
Cc:	Cynthia Shelly <>, W3C WAI Protocols
            & Formats <>, Alexander Surkov
Date:	10/30/2013 02:04 PM
Subject:	Re: UAIG Menu events

Rich wrote:
      Please let me know when you have something we can review.

Here is a copy of the edits so far.

The main problem is there is a scenario six in the table (row six) that I
can't relate to any of Alex's five scenarios.  The problem is compounded by
the other two columns.
|                      Scenario                      |                    MSAA                    |             Microsoft UIA             |
  |             Mac OS X             |
|THIS IS ALEX'S SCENARIO 2.                          |EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUSTART on the accessible    |MenuModeStartEvent on the accessible   |
|                                                    |object for the menubar, then set menu "mode"|object for the menu                    |
|                                                    |                                            |                                       |
|Menubar is not activated, and user moves focus to   |                                            |                                       |
|the menubar from elsewhere. As a result, a menuitem |                                            |                                       |
|in the menubar is focused.                          |                                            |                                       |
|                                                    |                                            |                                       |
|                                                    |                                            |                                       |
|Menubar must a natural parent of the menuitems or   |                                            |                                       |
|one defined by aria-owns (use                       |                                            |                                       |
|RELATION_NODE_PARENT_OF/RELATION_NODE_CHILD_OF).    |                                            |                                       |
  |AXMenuOpenedNotification          |
|THIS IS ALEX'S SCENARIO 3.                          |EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS                          |AutomationFocusChangedEvent            |
|                                                    |                                            |                                       |
|                                                    |                                            |                                       |
|Focus a menu item while in "menu" mode.             |                                            |                                       |
  |AXMenuItemSelectedNotification    |
|THIS IS ALEX'S SCENARIO 4.                          |EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPSTART                 |MenuOpenedEvent, then a focus event on |
|                                                    |                                            |a menuitem                             |
|                                                    |                                            |                                       |
|Menu popup made visible (menu is opened).           |                                            |                                       |
|                                                    |                                            |                                       |
|                                                    |                                            |                                       |
|Should only be fired once until the menu is closed  |                                            |                                       |
|and opened again.                                   |                                            |                                       |
  |AXMenuOpenedNotification          |
|THIS IS ALEX'S SCENARIO 5.                          |EVENT_SYSTEMMENUPOPUPEND once only for      |MenuClosedEvent                        |
|                                                    |accessible menu object and only if          |                                       |
|Menu popup hidden (menu is closed).                 |EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPSTART was fired for   |                                       |
|                                                    |it.                                         |                                       |
  |AXMenuClosedNotification          |
|THIS IS ALEX'S SCENARIO 1.                          |EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUEND on the menubar, clear  |MenuModeEndEvent                       |
|                                                    |menu "mode"                                 |                                       |
|All menus closed, and user moves focus away from    |                                            |                                       |
|menubar; menubar is deactivated.                    |                                            |                                       |
  |AXMenuClosedNotification          |
|Focus moved out of menu I CAN'T RELATE THIS SCENARIO|EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPEND, then             |MenuClosedEvent, then MenuModeEndEvent |
|TO ANY OF ALEX's 5 SCENARIOS.                       |EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUEND and clear menu "mode"  |                                       |
  |AXMenuClosedNotification          |


'A: After all, it isn't rocket science.'
'K: Right. It's merely computer science.'
             - J. D. Klaun -

Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2013 19:13:55 UTC