Spec is devoid of processing requirements for states and properties

The following states and properties lack UA processing requirements:
datatype, haspopup, invalid, readonly, required, valuemax, valuemix,  
valuenow, busy, dropeffect, controls, describedby, labelledby, owns

The following states and properties are implementation/configuration  
level, channel, relevant, posinset, setsize, templateid

The following states and properties describe what they are supposed to  
do but not in the form of requirements on UAs:
autocomplete, checked, disabled, expanded, multiline, multiselectable,  
pressed, secret, selected, atomic, live, grab, activedescendant,  
tabindex, flowto, hidden, sort

Without clear UA processing requirements, it doesn't seem realistic to  
get two interoperable implementations *of the spec*--at most  
implementation may become interoperable by reverse engineering each  
other or by using out-of-spec information. How is the spec expected to  
advance to a REC if there are no clear requirements for implementors  
to follow and no way to determine if two interoperable implementations  

is not comprehensive and is marked as informative.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2008 10:04:48 UTC