Re: proposed ARIA role for math [DRAFT 1]


when i asked neil soiffer to review my proposal for the math role, he 
kindly responded with the following suggested definition:

<q cite="NeilSoiffer">
Definition: content that represents a mathematical expression.  This could 
be an accessible format such as MathML, or it can be other textual 
representation that can be converted to an accessible format such as TeX. 
This also includes images that represent math. Such images may have 
alternative text or long descriptions that can be converted to an 
accessible format, or the image itself may have embedded comments that can 
be made accessible.  OCR could even be used to interpret the image as 
mathematics. This role enables a plug-in mechanism to provide compliant 
MathML, as well as enabling support for MathML in "mainstream" user agents.

i consider this a "friendly amendment" which supersedes my original 

> <proposed cite="def-role-math">
> Role: math
>    Definition: contains a string of mathematics (expressed as ASCII 
>    or "rich" text, such as TeX), an image of a mathematical formula, 
>    or other such embedded content which is most accessibly expressed 
>    using MathML; this role enables a plug-in mechanism to provide 
>    compliant MathML, as well as enabling support for MathML in 
>    "mainstream" user agents.
> </proposed>

"He who lives on Hope, dies farting."
  -- Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack
Gregory J. Rosmaita,
Camera Obscura:

Received on Monday, 3 March 2008 20:59:37 UTC