[ARIA-State / XHTML Role] Re: DTD implementation / Elements with tabindex

I'm slightly irritated because so far nobody showed any reaction / 
confirmation regarding my comments from 15 and 17 December?

My first proposal [1] asked for

- a stand-alone ARIA-State DTD (without the XHTML driver bundle)
- a better solution to extend %Common.extra.attrib with both 
%xhtml-role.attrs.qname and %aaa.attrs.qname
- a xhtml-role-1.mod that already includes xhtml-role-qname-1.mod
- re-considering the ambiguity of the triple-a namespace
- an explanation why the W3C validator throws an error as soon as the 
xmlns attribute appears in XHTML 1.1.

My second proposal [2] suggested tabindex on additional elements that 
need focus for common Web 2.0 editing, at least for headlines, 
"address", "dt", "dd", "legend", and "label".

What's your opinion?

Best regards,


Received on Sunday, 14 January 2007 21:41:17 UTC