Re: Cfc: Call for Consensus on our Specification Name

[pokes his head above the sand]

Hi All,

FWIW, I can live with WAI-ADAPT, could live better with WAI-Adapt (case
sensitivity), and strongly oppose WAI-APT (what's a WAI Apartment

(I recognize I've been MIA for a number of weeks now dealing with some
personal issues, and was not part of the larger discussion here, but
overall I remain fundamentally disappointed with Adapt as a new identifier.
I would have preferred something that alluded closer to individual or
personal customization, rather than adaptability, but... that's just me. At
the end of the day, we are customizing
<> the UI/UX, but not
really impacting the way users can or will interact with it, which to my
mind is what adapt suggests - i.e. our work mostly falls under the WCAG
Principle of "Perception" and not "Usable". For example, our attribute "
when used, makes it easier to comprehend or perceive where or what the
destination is, but we aren't 'adapting' to that destination, nor are we
modifying the destination or even for that matter the UI - it *might*
change the UI, or instead the attribute and value may only be processed by


On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 10:56 AM Lionel Wolberger <>

> Dear Public Personalization Task Force member,
> This is a Call for Consensus regarding our Task Force's determination of
> the specification's name. Two names have made it to this final decision.
> Please find below each name, and how it will read as a prefix:module.
> Choice (A): WAI-ADAPT.
> Spelled out:
> WAI-ADAPT: Content Module, WAI-ADAPT: Help Module, WAI-ADAPT Tools Module
> Choice (B): WAI-APT.
> Spelled out:
> WAI-APT: Content Module, WAI-APT: Help Module, WAI-APT Tools Module
> Please note: (A) and (B) are not both abbreviations that need to be
> expanded. No expansion is necessary for ADAPT -- it is just "ADAPT".
> We propose a potential possible expansion for either of the above:
> "Adaptable Personalizeable Technologies". This expansion can be applied to
> "APT" or "ADAPT".
> Please reply to these two questions:
> 1. Which is your choice for the name of the standard, (A) WAI-ADAPT, (B)
> 2. If your preference is not selected as the majority decision, can you
> live with the other option? Yes/No.  If you answer "No" please explain.
> Thank you,
> - Lionel
> Lionel Wolberger
> COO, UserWay Inc.
> <>
> <>[image: text]

*John Foliot* |
Senior Industry Specialist, Digital Accessibility |
W3C Accessibility Standards Contributor |

"I made this so long because I did not have time to make it shorter." -
Pascal "links go places, buttons do things"

Received on Monday, 28 March 2022 18:39:48 UTC