Re: Update on deliverables regarding approaches

Hi all,

I've uploaded a new page to the wiki: - it has some placeholder content, but is hopefully a good start :-). Here is the draft Editor's Note so far:

This specification details a set of attributes named "action", "destination" and "purpose" as well as their allowed values. We have considered some alternatives to this specific set of attribute names and values. You can find an overview of these in the [wiki page]. We are seeking feedback from web content authors and user agent/extension implementers on these options.

Best regards,

Matthew Tylee Atkinson
Senior Accessibility Engineer
TPG Interactive

A Vispero Company

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On 07/06/2021, 15:06, "Matthew Atkinson" <> wrote:

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    Hi all,

    I've been working with JF on the deliverables for the proposed Editor's Note and a wiki page we could put in our repo. Below you can find a draft (in GitHub Flavoured Markdown) that could be pasted into a wiki page. We intend to update this as we go, but here's the first draft...

    Best regards,

    Matthew Tylee Atkinson
    Senior Accessibility Engineer
    TPG Interactive

    A Vispero Company

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Received on Monday, 14 June 2021 11:53:16 UTC