Re: Proposed decision making process

+1 to a clear process.


On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 11:35 AM Lisa Seeman <> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I think going forward we would benefit from a clear decision making
> process. That way all key decisions are recorded and documented.
> I have a draft for a process below (adapted from COGA).
> An important note the following at the end:
>    - Once  Personalization has reached a decision, a majority of the
>    group is needed to reopen it.
>    -   Personalization will keep a page of  important resolutions  with
>    links to the discussions. Summaries of key points may be included.
> I do not think that would apply to the current discusions, rather to
> perfent it reopening too many times _after_ we resolve  the current
> discussion.
> Proposed  decision making process:
> Decisions
> The  Personalization Task Force strives to reach consensus via unanimous
> agreement.
> Small items
> Such as: wording changes or normal issue responses that will be part of a
> final CFC later has the following process:
>    - Agreement on the email list OR
>    - Agreement on the call
> Medium items
> Such as important issue responses (such as an issue from the tag, or other
> working group)
>    - Agreement on the email list AND
>    - Agreement on the call
>    - All decisions are recorded on a wiki page with date and link
> Large items
> Such as asking the parent group to open a cfc publication
>    - Agreement on the call AND
>    - Agreement on the email list with at least 2 working days AND
>    - Clear wording on the email to the list with attention grabbing
>    subject line and clear instructions and deadlines such as calling it a CFC
>    and using that template
>    - All decisions are recorded on a wiki page with date and link
> Discussion
>    - Facilitators encourage discussion to continue until all points of
>    view have been expressed and the group has considered the variety of
>    information presented.
>    - Facilitators encourage all participants to express their views.
>    - Discussion may include outreach outside the call (emails,
>    surveys,etc)
>    - Personalization strives to use technology that people who want to
>    participate can use. This is especially important for decisions.
>    - Personalization strives to have a review by a representative of each
>    disability group or minority affected by important decisions.
>    - During discussion, participants can raise objections freely.
> Agreement and Resolutions
>    - Personalization strives to get a quorum for responses. Quorum
>    depends on the context.
>       - Typically, at least in a call there should be at least 2
>       non-leadership members and 2 leadership members present.
>       - If Facilitators say that a lack of response will be considered
>       agreement, less people have to agree to reach quorum. (But they should have
>       had the opportunity to respond)
>    - If objections to a proposed agreement are raised, the facilitators
>    should try and find an alternative that everyone can live with
>    - Personalization strives to provide enough time for participants to
>    consider before making a decision.
>       - When finalizing a decision facilitators can give a time limit and
>       time table for objections.
>    - When discussion is done and the group is making a decision,
>    participants should only raise objections that they “can’t live with.”
>    - Compromise on points people can "live with" is an essential part of
>    decisions.
>    - The facilitators can allow a decision to go through with some
>    objections if a significant majority approves the decision.
>    - Decisions should ideally be based on research-supported
>    recommendations
>    - Once  Personalization has reached a decision, a majority of the
>    group is needed to reopen it.
>    -   Personalization will keep a page of  important resolutions  with
>    links to the discussions. Summaries of key points may be included.

*John Foliot* | Senior Industry Specialist, Digital Accessibility

"I made this so long because I did not have time to make it shorter." -
Pascal "links go places, buttons do things"

Received on Monday, 26 April 2021 16:12:45 UTC