Re: draft for tag issue

Sorry to jump in late on this thread, review of the TAG explainer for 
Personalization has been on my todo list for a while. The document I 
reviewed was:

The TAG has a particular format they want explainers:

I restructured the personalization explainer to match that structure. I 
think the restructure also makes a better flow for understanding the 
content. There's a section for "Stakeholder Feedback / Opposition" that 
needs to be filled out. Aside from that the content looks pretty good to 
me now and should be good to go forward.


On 10/08/2020 8:54 a.m., Lisa Seeman wrote:
> Hi Folks
> Below is a draft for the tag Issue.
> I wont be at the meeting today but it should get the conversation started.
> ...Lisa
> ----
> We have  restructure and change our 
> according 
> to your comments. We have tried to follow the TAG template but we felt 
> it was important to add a few sections to support understanding of our 
> approach.  We should clarify that we are not an API (though we might 
> support an API in the future) and that the main task was to clarify 
> /explain it.
> Is the edited content more understandable?
> Thanking you in advance
> The personalization task force

Received on Tuesday, 8 September 2020 13:55:43 UTC