Concatenation / Conjugation with symbols

Hi All,

With thanks to Léonie, who pointed me in this direction, it appears that
ARIA is already using the "+" (plus) symbol in a fashion similar to what we
seek to do, as seen here:  aria-keyshortcuts="Alt+Control+j"

According to the ARIA spec
<>, examples of valid
keyboard shortcuts include:

   - "A"
   - "Shift+Space"
   - "Control+Alt+."
   - "Control+Shift+&#39;"
   - "Alt+Shift+P Control+F"
   - "Meta+C Meta+Shift+C"

At this point then, I think we have sufficient precedence at the W3C to
also use the  "+" (plus) character as our joiner, with no spaces (as the
above examples indicate for the aria attribute).

NOTE: I was never opposed to using the plus symbol in our code, but we
needed to do our due diligence to ensure we weren't creating conflicts or
anti-patterns (and we may want to recall this
research/verification/precedence during our cross-functional reviews with
TAG and/or WHAT WG going forward).

Many thanks Léonie!


*John Foliot* | Principal Accessibility Strategist | W3C AC Representative
Deque Systems - Accessibility for Good
"I made this so long because I did not have time to make it shorter." -

Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2020 17:38:14 UTC