- From: John Foliot <john.foliot@deque.com>
- Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 10:52:54 -0500
- To: EA Draffan <ead@ecs.soton.ac.uk>, Russell Newman <rn@russellnewman.co.uk>
- Cc: "lisa.seeman" <lisa.seeman@zoho.com>, public-personalization-tf <public-personalization-tf@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAKdCpxze9TLOs0KwyNyZgsF219gBxGRr=u7vq9c25p1bMNAt_g@mail.gmail.com>
Hello EA and Russell, Thank you for meeting with Lisa and I today. Enclosed please find my notes from our call - please feel to expand, contradict or confirm as required. The first issue discussed was related to the fact that Bliss has the notion of 'compound ideas', where authors can concatenate multiple numbers to express a unique idea and symbol. While the example numbers bellow are inaccurate, the current pattern we are proposing is similar to this: <span symbol="4 8 3">cup of tea</span> = [symbol for 'cup'] [symbol for 'of'] [symbol for 'tea'] ...which would resolve to 3 separate symbols, as noted above. However, Bliss and a few other symbol sets, also support compound ideas, and so for example, Bliss (may) have a unique symbol for "cup of tea", which is the concatenation of those numbers. For that reason, we will need a 'joiner' of sorts - an annotated way of creating those compound ideas. We could use something similar to: <span symbol="4+8+3">cup of tea</span> = [symbol for cup+of+tea] (="cup of tea") ...which is using the "+" (plus symbol) to join / concatenate the numbers or, if using the plus symbol is not available to us, perhaps "commas" instead: <span symbol="4,8,3">cup of tea</span> = [symbol for cup+of+tea] (="cup of tea") As an open question at this time is whether we can use the "+" (plus symbol) as part of the value string, or whether we are restricted by other HTML authoring rules to using the comma, but there appears general agreement that we need to be able to declare both space separated and concatenated number values. JF to do some research and report back. *************************** The other topic / concern discussed relates to grammar rules. While we recognized the need for potentially conveying specialized grammar rules as well, at this time we're focusing on same-language conversion (as opposed to international language conversion, for example German to English). Questions include: How to specify? Where to specify? What to specify? At this time it is implied that we will be governed by existing Grammar rules inherent to Bliss' symbol set, and leave other internationalization aspects of Bliss to those experts outside of our technical work. None-the-less, Russell will do some quick investigation about grammar rules declaration: we discussed Schema.Org notation (which is geared to the document level) as a potential way forward. However it was felt that while important, we can work on this in more detail in subsequent iterations, that for now using the Bliss Grammar rules is sufficient and appropriate for our first go around. JF -- *John Foliot* | Principal Accessibility Strategist | W3C AC Representative Deque Systems - Accessibility for Good deque.com
Received on Monday, 4 May 2020 15:53:48 UTC