Re: Mental Health, Videos and Personalization


Thank you for sending this.  I can think of examples where element level
content would benefit from tags such as these. For example, a news page
might include a video report, transcript, and a second video of taped
footage. The report and transcript might be written to avoid upsetting
content but the taped footage of what happened might need to be marked.

Can scheme be applied at an element level?

Best regards,


On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 1:43 PM John Foliot <> wrote:

> Hi Rachel,
> Thanks for the clarification. Are y'all aware of this already?
>    and this:
> I suspect the use-case(s) you are envisioning would be to use metadata at
> the page level (versus the element level, which is where Personalization is
> currently headed).
> I'd personally rather see COGA efforts focus on the existing solution(s)
> (which I think are mostly lacking in tooling support), rather than trying
> to tease it out of our Personalization work (fun fact: Charles L. was
> actively involved with that work as well, right Charles?) Additionally,
> because Charles was previously involved, I'm sure he could assist if one or
> more specific "hazard values" is currently missing (I assert it is easier
> to build on top of existing effort, rather than start fresh elsewhere).
> Schema dot Org already has strong support with the major search engine
> vendors, which includes Google, Microsoft, Yandex, and Baidu.
> JF
> On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 10:12 AM Rachael Bradley Montgomery <
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I took us down the wrong track with regards to video and the mental
>> health paper and I think you should revisit the issues Lisa raised at
>> another Personalization meeting. There was too little time left today so I
>> didn't jump back in. For personalization, I believe the suggestions are:
>> 1. To consider adding a tag that identifies content that could trigger
>> anxiety, PTSD or other mental health conditions. This would add to the
>> sense of safety on the web for some individuals.
>> 2. To consider adding a tag that indicates alternative versions of the
>> same content.
>> Lisa - please correct me if I have misunderstood. Thank you again for the
>> discussion on today's call. I will update you as Essential Controls
>> continues.
>> Best regards,
>> Rachael
>> --
>> Rachael Montgomery, PhD
>> Director, Accessible Community
>> "I will paint this day with laughter;
>> I will frame this night in song."
>>  - Og Mandino
> --
> *​John Foliot* | Principal Accessibility Strategist | W3C AC
> Representative
> Deque Systems - Accessibility for Good

Rachael Montgomery, PhD
Director, Accessible Community

"I will paint this day with laughter;
I will frame this night in song."
 - Og Mandino

Received on Monday, 27 January 2020 18:56:00 UTC