Re: Fwd: Personalization TF Vocabulary List requested from TPAC

Can we discuss this on Monday's call? 

two other items we may want to discuss

1. Can we set up a place to build adaption/widget ideas s for developers to prototype (either for us or in hackathons )

2. Also the idea for an implementation via external files / annotation has been requested in the easy reading consortium meetings. so maybe it should become more important

I would also 

All the best

Lisa Seeman,

---- On Tue, 05 Feb 2019 21:19:45 +0200 Charles LaPierre <> wrote ----

Hello everyone, 

Here is a response from one of the chairs of the WebApps/Platform WG.

Love to hear what you all think.



Begin forwarded message:

From: Marcos Caceres <>

Subject: Re: Personalization TF Vocabulary List requested from TPAC

Date: February 4, 2019 at 8:18:33 PM PST

To: Charles LaPierre <>

Cc: "" <>, ""  <>, "lisa.seeman" <>, Michael Cooper <>, Roy Ran <>,  Janina Sajka <>

Hi  Charles, 

On Feb 5, 2019, at 6:13 AM, Charles LaPierre <> wrote:

Hello WebPlat/WebApps WG chairs,

Let me start off by acknowledging that we understand this is a very disruptive time for you all being rechartered and Leonie switching organizations etc. and that our request for review of our Vocabulary list on January 18th came at this inopportune  time.   

Apologies  for the delay in responding... although I understand the use case (and think it's great!), I'm personally struggling to understand the overlap between what the WebAppsWG group does (mainly browser APIs), and what you are defining (data model + using attributes). 

From  my limited understanding, there doesn't appear that browsers need to be modified to make what you are proposing work: that is, it could all be done with existing HTML, CSS, and JS solutions. Or am I missing something? 

The APA’s Personalization Task Force are trying to meet our own timelines and getting your input is very important for us to help us keep on track.  

Two important dates you should be aware of is the DIAGRAM’s Strategic planning meeting in the DC area on February 29/March 1st where having a solid direction for implementation would be great to know heading into these discussions.  As well as the Web4All conference  with a focus on Personalization, to be held in San Francisco on May 13-16th accompanied by a codeSprint, where we were planning on not only presenting our work thus far at this event but also working on some personalization implementations during the codeSprint.   

Please let us know how we can be of further help and if you could provide any indication when we might expect some feedback on our vocabulary list and/or potential direction for implementation.

I  think the main thing for you to do is just "try it": build the different approaches you discussed in the minutes and in your spec (using different attributes - or attributes with multiple values). Implement the solution using the current web stack and see  what works best...there might be opinions that the WG members could give, but those would be just that... opinions... and those opinions are more than likely wrong or will overlook something, because the actual proof will be in how well your implementation  works for your use case. 

Thus,  coding this up and testing what you are proposing at scale would probably be the best way to refine your data model and related specifications. 

From  that, if you find the web platform is lacking something specific that can't be done with existing technology, then we should definitely talk about how to address those deficiencies in the web platform. 

Hope  that makes sense! 

Received on Thursday, 7 February 2019 10:41:07 UTC