4 definitions for distractions

Hi Folks

here is a drfat of the new proposals for distractions. (To get the ball rolling)

John is this what you had in mind? 

moving:  Non-essential distracting content that includes movement. This includes: computer-generated moving images; content that  starts automatically or is automatically updating; and elements that change locations on the screen without user interaction.

messages: Communication sent to or left for the user or the interface that allows interaction of text-based messages. Messages may also be automaticaly updating. Essential system messages should not be tagged as distractions. 

overlay: A part of an application or content that is non essential and displayed over the top of the main content in the same window such as a  popup or child window that blocks user interaction to the parent window

third-party: An advertisement or offer for a product, feature or service or content that is not under the authors' control, that is not essential to the user's current task.

All the best

Lisa Seeman

http://il.linkedin.com/in/lisaseeman/, https://twitter.com/SeemanLisa

Received on Monday, 9 December 2019 12:15:24 UTC