Re: Data-* Attributes (Take 2)

I think the most popular will get in. IE the ones that are used in the real world.

SO the most important thing is getting things out there to real world implementors

All the best

Lisa Seeman,

---- On Tue, 02 Apr 2019 00:59:41 +0300 Charles LaPierre <> wrote ----

Hi John,  

I like this approach but I am also worried that if we have  data-literal, data-numberfree, data-easylang, data-explain, … how will we go from using data- to some other native implementation.  Won’t this mean that now we are asking HTML for more
 than a 1-3 new attributes?  I agree it makes it super easy to understand and use but it won’t get adopted by HTML browsers unless I am missing something.



 Charles LaPierre

 Technical Lead, DIAGRAM and Born Accessible

 Twitter: @CLaPierreA11Y

 Skype: charles_lapierre

 Phone: 650-600-3301

On Apr 1, 2019, at 2:53 PM, James Cambron <> wrote:

Most of what John has included is along the lines with my thinking as well. It isn't clear which use cases I added to the original prototype document but they were:

<button data-action="undo">Revert</button>

<a href="home.html" data-destination="homepage">our main page</a>



From: John Foliot <>
 Sent: Monday, April 1, 2019 2:13 PM
 To: public-personalization-tf
 Subject: Data-* Attributes (Take 2) 

Hi all,

After today's conference call I have some very serious concerns on how this is moving forward. Rather than augmenting the current examples, I have instead provided an alternative proposal on how to move
 forward, building upon existing consensus (as I understand it).

Please see:*-(Take-2)&data=02%7C01%7C%7C157f284c154249f9080508d6b6e6fae8%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636897500497105237&sdata=sKo6jGzNbczIuahE1NJC2%2BkmdWtg%2F3qio6s%2BMpcXsjI%3D&reserved=0




John Foliot | Principal Accessibility Strategist | W3C AC Representative

 Deque Systems - Accessibility for Good

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2019 10:12:48 UTC