- From: Cambron, James <jjc6476@psu.edu>
- Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2018 22:32:37 +0000
- To: Sharon D Snider <snidersd@us.ibm.com>, "public-personalization-tf@w3.org" <public-personalization-tf@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <BYAPR02MB4054E1236B08804D1074B449B6AE0@BYAPR02MB4054.namprd02.prod.outlook.com>
Just to add on to this – some of the questions I have which would probably help me understand the proposed semantics relative to implementation are: * Where is data, for example, the vocabulary list for easylang coming from? * Are we supporting direct access of external data as an abstraction of the implementation * Are we expecting authors to call in needed data sets in through JS * Or, do we not have a dependency on external data. * Is there an implementation in which we would be accepting user input? Best, Thad From: Cambron, James Sent: Monday, December 3, 2018 1:24 PM To: 'Sharon D Snider' <snidersd@us.ibm.com>; public-personalization-tf@w3.org Subject: RE: Question regard 3 attributes Hi Sharon, I may be wrong, however, I think the goal was to look at a three attribute approach in the form of “use cases” on the Wiki, to see how three attributes behave together and if the three attribute approach works at all (we now have a different and I believe more traditional definition of a use case in Michael Cooper’s recent pull request. In my opinion we are jumping the gun a little by looking at the three attribute approach. I think there is still confusion in the group around single attributes. If the members of the group are having trouble understanding single attributes how can we expect to communicate outside the group. I believe that work needs to be done to clarify the basics. The abstract illustration used on the call that one attribute is meant to insert text, another is meant to replace text - I think is a great way to start to define things more clearly, with the understanding that there is additional functionality beyond insert and replace. Best, Thad From: Sharon D Snider <snidersd@us.ibm.com<mailto:snidersd@us.ibm.com>> Sent: Monday, December 3, 2018 12:43 PM To: public-personalization-tf@w3.org<mailto:public-personalization-tf@w3.org> Subject: Question regard 3 attributes Hi all, I looked back at the email thread related to 3 attributes<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flists.w3.org%2FArchives%2FPublic%2Fpublic-personalization-tf%2F2018Oct%2F0038.html&data=02%7C01%7Cjjc6476%40psu.edu%7C52a6876db1d545f82f7108d659600563%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C636794666274196712&sdata=keTD2s5eDATRdwsr6glYx6has8i%2Bh7LD%2Bpr8JJyvnbc%3D&reserved=0> and wanted to make sure I am understanding this correctly that we are looking at having only 3 attributes to accommodate all personalization use cases. Is that correct, and if not can I get clarification? Thanks, Sharon Snider IBM Research ► IBM Accessibility (512)965-3957 www.ibm.com/able<http://www.ibm.com/able> and w3.ibm.com/able
Received on Monday, 3 December 2018 22:33:02 UTC