- From: Stian Soiland-Reyes <soiland-reyes@cs.manchester.ac.uk>
- Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 09:25:11 +0000
- To: Julaine Clunis <jclunis@kent.edu>
- Cc: Pemanent Identifier CG <public-perma-id@w3.org>
The instructions on https://w3id.org/ assume you are familiar with GitHub and making Apache HTTP Server's .htaccess under your desired folder. See for example https://github.com/perma-id/w3id.org/tree/master/omn The alternative approach is to contact this list, which is also fine, but might take longer time :) Would you be OK with https://w3id.org/bpmanagement or https://w3id.org/bpmanagement/ or https://w3id.org/ontology/bpmanagement/ With or without trailing / depends on which style you use for your ontology terms, e.g. https://w3id.org/bpmanagement/NonMember or https://w3id.org/bpmanagement#NonMember (the first style would allow you to redirect to http://personal.kent.edu/~jclunis/NonMember.html, the second would require just a single redirect ) I am not proposing to reject your request, I just think /ontology/ is a bit broad, and other registrations has not needed equivalent typing paths. :-) Let me know if you want to proceed with the original request. Yes, you can request to change the redirection in the future, either by email or pull request. I recommend adding a README.md file saying who are the contacts (e.g. at least yourself :). Are you sure you don't want to use http://personal.kent.edu/~jclunis/ for your own homepage later? How about http://personal.kent.edu/~jclunis/bpmanagement/ ? 302 should work fine for ontologies. Have you considered also uploading the Turtle or RDF/XML version of the ontology? It could be beneficial for others who might want to use your ontology. If your server at personal.kent.edu can't do content-negotiation (see http://www.w3.org/TR/cooluris/) - then it should be possible to do so at the w3id.org end from the .htaccess, see http://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-vocab-pub/ On 28 October 2015 at 02:54, Julaine Clunis <jclunis@kent.edu> wrote: > Hello, > I would like to create a purl using your services, but I was not sure how to > go about it from the directions. > > I am creating an ontology and I would like my persistent uri to be > https://w3id.org/ontology/bpmanagement > This for an ontology I am building dealing with blood pressure management. > I want it to point to this address for now. > http://personal.kent.edu/~jclunis/ > Is it possible to change where it's pointing to in the future? > The third piece of information is the part I am not sure I understand...the > HTTP code that you want to use when redirecting > I am thinking code 302 for a simple redirect is fine? > Thanks for your help. > Please let me know if I need to provide any additional infomation. > With Thanks, > Julaine > > -- Stian Soiland-Reyes, eScience Lab School of Computer Science The University of Manchester http://soiland-reyes.com/stian/work/ http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9842-9718
Received on Thursday, 29 October 2015 09:26:02 UTC