Re: 24 October meeting canceled; next meeting 7 November

Hi Stephen,

I apologize for this surprise.

To avoid surprises moving forward, I have updated our meeting policy [1] to add:

 "We try to finalize the agenda no later than 24 hours before the meeting. If there is no agenda 24 hours before the meeting, the staff contact generally cancels the meeting.”

I have also made clearer that we invite group participants to send agenda items to the group’s list (with subject starting “agenda+”).

Feedback on these changes are welcome!



> On Oct 23, 2024, at 2:13 PM, Stephen McGruer <> wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> Unfortunate to hear that the decision was made to cancel WPWG this week. From the Chrome side, we not only were looking forward to continuing and preferably resolving at least some initial requirements for BBKs, but we also had a few other items of interest to discuss or raise, both within SPC and not.
> I acknowledge we didn't raise these to your attention earlier and I apologize for that. To avoid future problems like that, might it be prudent for the WPWG to have a policy for how to raise agenda issues and also at what day/time agenda items have to be added by to avoid the meeting being cancelled?
> Thanks,
> Stephen 
> On Wed, Oct 23, 2024, 2:53 p.m. Ian Jacobs <> wrote:
> Dear Web Payments WG,
> We are still awaiting more input regarding requirements for a browser-based key. We’ve canceled this week’s call. Our next meeting is scheduled for 7 November.
> For the co-Chairs,
> Ian
> --
> Ian Jacobs <>
> Tel: +1 917 450 8783

Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 917 450 8783

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2024 23:28:41 UTC