Important teleconference change: Moving to Zoom, effective immediately

Dear Web Payments Working Group,

W3C will soon lose its WebEx account through MIT, and moving forward will provide Zoom services.

Starting at our next teleconference on 25 May, the WPWG will use Zoom for our teleconferences.

To access the Zoom information:

1) I recommend subscribing to the Web Payments WG calendar:

    For information about subscribing, see:

    If you subscribe you will be notified when meetings are canceled, which is an improvement on the status quo, where I simply send email.

2) If you select one of the calendar entries and click on “More information” you’ll have access to joining instructions. You’ll need
    to log in with your W3C account to have access to the join instructions. (Please don’t share them publicly.)

If you have any questions, let me know. I hope we will work out glitches quickly.

Thank you,


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 917 450 8783

Received on Thursday, 18 May 2023 20:07:21 UTC