[Agenda] 13 May 2020 Card Payment Security Task Force call

Dear Card Payment Security Task Force,

We will continue our discussion of the proposed SRC-through-PR-API architecture [1]. 

First, some updates since the previous call:

 - I have clarified in the proposal how a built-in payment handler could work.
 - Tomasz has added a flow diagram to the wiki [2]; see "Build-in SRC Payment Handler"


 * Comments from American Express 
 * Who will host common payment handler?
 * Starting work on a POC. 
 * For discussion: use cases for merchant identifying SRCI through request data. Do people expect it to be a common use case that the merchant’s PSP
   would be different from the SRCI? Also, where the PSP and SRCI roles are played by the same entity, are there still advantages in using PR API?
 * SRC at WPWG code-a-Thon end of May:
 * Next call: 10 June. We will not meet on 27 May due to the code-a-thon.

Also note:

 * I expect more discussion soon on session persistence, a topic that Visa raised at the previous call and that has come up in other conversations as well.

Call info:

- Usual call time: 11am-noon ET
- WebEx: http://www.w3.org/2018/11/cps.ics
- IRC: irc.w3.org in the channel #wpwg

Thank you,


[1] https://github.com/w3c/src/wiki/ProposedArchitecture
[2] https://github.com/w3c/src/wiki/SRC-Common-Payment-Handler-Concept

Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2020 18:36:31 UTC