Re: Calendar invitation for remote-first WPWG meeting (30 March - 2 April)

Hi everyone

Although it's disappointing that we're not going to be meeting in person in
a couple of weeks, Adrian, Ian and I believe that we can still make real
progress in these remote sessions, so can I please urge you to attend if
you can.

We're asking for 1 working day of your time spread over 4 days.

Thank you for your ongoing support and engagement. If you have any thoughts
on how to maximise our effectiveness in the sessions, please let us or the
group know.

Thanks again

Nick on behalf of the Chairs

On Mon, 9 Mar 2020, 6:02 pm Ian Jacobs, <> wrote:

> Dear Web Payments Working Group,
> Last week we announced [1] that our Dublin meeting has been canceled and
> that we are replacing it with a remote-first alternative
> of 4 days, 2 hours per day.
> Here is the calendar invitation for the meeting:
> Please take note in your calendars. Access to the invitation requires your
> W3C credentials.
> Here is a proposed agenda (details to follow):
>  - 30 March: Payment request and payment handlers
>  - 31 March: SRC
>  - 1 April: Authentication (both WebAuthn WG updates and joint task force
> discussion)
>  - 2 April: Open banking
> Ian
> [1]
> --
> Ian Jacobs <>
> Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 9 March 2020 22:37:01 UTC