IMPORTANT: Dublin face-to-face canceled; will be changed to a remote-first meeting from 30 March - 2 April

Dear Web Payments Working Group,

Because more than half of the registered participants for our Dublin
meeting could no longer attend in person, and due to ongoing
uncertainties related to COVID-19, we resolved at today's call [1] to
transform our face-to-face into a series of teleconferences.

We are disappointed at this turn of events, and we apologize for the
inconvenience. We also want to re-express our appreciation of our host

Valuable work is happening and we want to continue to share progress.
At today's teleconference we discussed the following remote-first

 * Four calls, two hours each.
 * 30 March - 2 April from 8:00-10:00am Pacific / 3-5pm UTC
 * People may wish (but are not required) to self-organize into
   regional "clusters" for participation.

I will work with the chairs to map our agenda [2] into these slots.
As always, we welcome your input on the agenda.

We hope that people who had registered for the face-to-face meeting
still have calendar availability for this remote alternative. Please
reserve the above slots!

There was significant interest in the code-a-thon portion of the
meeting. I expect we will try to hold some form of code-a-thon as
well, either as a remote meeting, or in a couple of months once world
health has improved. We look forward to hearing your ideas on a remote
code-a-thon as well.

Thank you all and stay tuned for more agenda details for the week of
30 March.

For the co-Chairs,


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Thursday, 5 March 2020 18:09:15 UTC