Additional privacy-related change to Payment Request API; please indicate any concerns by 29 March

Dear Web Payments Working Group,

As a result of ongoing conversations prompted by our interactions with the Privacy Interest Group, 
I have submitted a new pull request on Payment Request API:

The pull request fixes two bugs and should help us as we continue to address Sam Weiler’s issue [2] moving forward.

If there are no concerns raised about this pull request by noon ET on 29 March, I will request that we fold this change into the specification that we publish as a Candidate Recommendation (pending W3C Director approval).

I am calling out this pull request because this would be a small change from the specification that was the subject of the recent Call for Consensus [2] 

I welcome expressions of support through an explicit review on GitHub of the pull request, or by replying to this message.
Please do not hesitate to signal any concerns or ask questions about the pull request.

Thank you,



Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Tuesday, 26 March 2019 17:23:27 UTC