[Agenda] 26 June 2019 Card Payment Security Task Force call

Dear Card Payment Security Task Force,

Agenda for 26 June:

 * I’ve made a number of changes to the SRC wiki based on our previous call on 12 June [1]:

 * Among the changes, a new section on “user experience topics.” Let’s review these (and see if other topics need to be added):

 * Issue review (in light of changes and new issues):

Call info:

- Usual call time: 11am-noon ET (3-4pm UTC). 
- WebEx: http://www.w3.org/2018/11/cps.ics
- IRC: irc.w3.org in the channel #wpwg

Thank you,


[1] https://www.w3.org/2019/06/12-wpwg-minutes

Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2019 17:48:39 UTC