Re: State of "payment-method-credit-transfer"

On 2019-11-12 22:00, Ian Jacobs wrote:

> The Web Payments WG interest is in ensuring that the anticipated good UX of PR API can be used to support those flows.

If you look into the work performed by the Financial API WG (FAPI) which is underpinning (or inspired) most of the Open Banking APIs, you will note that it is 90% about security solutions.

There are no visible relations between and FAPI.  Shouldn't this work item rather be rebooted or be converted into W3C note?

Regarding the UX, the current recommendation among the UK implementers is to use push notifications and embedded authentication through mobile banking apps:

IMO, the lack of a credible Desktop/Web + Mobile wallet/whatever solution remains a major hurdle for the adoption of PaymentRequest.  The Open Banking Wallet [*] use QR codes but this solution bypasses PaymentRequest.



> Ian
> --
> Ian Jacobs <>
> Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Friday, 6 December 2019 08:32:09 UTC