DECISION Regarding Call for Consensus to Publish Web Payments HTTP API 1.0 as a Group Note

Dear Web Payments Working Group,

During our 6 November face-to-face meeting [1], there was strong support and no objection to publishing 
Web Payments HTTP API 1.0 [2] as a Group Note. 

In response to the Call for Consensus [3] to formalize the decision, there were no new objections to 
the overall goal of publishing the Group Note.

However, the question was asked: should the Note be the full specification or a simplified explanation of
the context for publishing the Note (with access to the spec). 

There were mixed views on how to proceed, so I proposed [4] a concrete status section [5] to balance goals
and achieve the following:

1) Simplify the Note landing page to enable readers to focus on the reasons for the change from Rec Track to Note
2) Make obvious how to find the original content.

It was announced that we would discuss on today’s callow which we did [6]. There was some support
and no objections to publishing the Note with the proposed status section.

Given this set of exchanges, the Chairs record a decision that the proposal to publish Web Payments HTTP API 1.0
as a Group Note carries, with the proposed status section. It may be that the status section will evolve editorially
to satisfy publication requirements.

I also anticipate that the document license will change to be a more permissive license, so that groups that wish
to continue to work on this may do so more easily.

We will next work with the Editors to prepare the Note for publication.

For the co-Chairs,
Ian Jacobs

Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Thursday, 30 November 2017 18:40:30 UTC