Thank you for a great TPAC!

Dear Web Payments WG participants who were able to attend TPAC,

Thank you for participating in this year’s TPAC face-to-face meeting, which I found rich in content
and energizing. I will be editing the minutes ([1], [2]) over the next couple of days. They are linked
from the agenda [3]. I am also likely to write a blog post about the key topics that we addressed,

 * PR API implementation progress
 * Next features
 * Payment handler API demo and discussion 
 * Payment methods: credit transfer, tokenization, and ILP
 * General encryption mechanism
 * 3DS (we will have a task force soon)

Note: our next Thursday teleconference will be 30 November; I will also send this info in a separate

Thank you again for traveling and participating, and especially to those who prepared materials
and presentations for the meeting.


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 13 November 2017 14:25:03 UTC