On 11/8/16 14:56, Adrian Hope-Bailie wrote:
> Thanks Roy, that's excellent news!
> It would be great if some of the browsers could seize this opportunity
> to work collaboratively with Facebook (and anyone else building
> payment apps) to iron out any kinks in our specs.
> Is there a need to do some formal co-ordination of this by the chairs
> or would everyone prefer to work with each other ad-hoc and as required?
> Irrespective, the chairs and staff would like to be informed of any of
> this kind of testing and collaboration going on just for the sake of
> tracking our progress towards CR on the specs.
I'm ambivalent about formal coordination through the W3C. I will
definitely share with the chairs and the rest of the WG when we have any
information to report on this front.
Adam Roach
Principal Engineer, Mozilla