Make travel plans now: WPWG face-to-face meeting 23-24 March in Chicago

Hi Web Payments WG,

On today’s call [1] we resolved that the next WPWG face-to-face meeting
will take place 23-24 March 2017 in Chicago. One reason for selecting
these dates and venue is that we will meet just before the IETF meeting
in Chicago [2].

Note that the Web Payments IG has not yet discussed whether to hold
a meeting alongside the WPWG meeting. I assume we will take up
that conversation in the IG in January.

I am still working to finalize the venue, but I expect it will be in downtown
Chicago. I don’t yet have a list of nearby hotels, but you may find the IETF’s
list of hotels useful:

More details will follow soon,


Ian Jacobs <>
Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Thursday, 15 December 2016 16:08:44 UTC