Basic CT-DD Payment.doc

Hello All,

Following a discussion with Matt, this a first draft of the "basic CT-DD payments" to be considered as the equivalent of the "Basic Card Payments". I used the same template used for the "Basic Card payments" and the main changes in on chapter 3.

To summarize :

-          Generic Credit Transfer / SEPA credit transfer

o   The credit transfer will be initiated by the user by his own (could be by a connection to his home banking, by going to a branch, ....)

o   The merchant will only provide his own bank and account number and a field to match at the reception of the Credit Transfer

-          Generic Direct Debit

o   The merchant needs only the Bank and Account number of the user

-          Generic SEPA Direct Debit

o   The merchant needs only a validation of the user and (depending of the situation) the UMR (unique mandate reference)

o   Of course, the UMR is provided during a previous process which is the "mandate process" that could be manual or electronic, outside of the scope

-          Automatically initiated Credit Transfer

o   There user will not have to manually process the credit transfer but only a validation (It coul be considered as a 3DS version of the Credit Transfer)

o   I mentioned SEPAmail (French system I know), IDEAL (that Evert should know !!) but there is also a lot of other ...

-          E-mandate system for Direct Debit

o   Those system enables to validate the IBAN provided by the user and the UMR provided by the merchant.

o   SEPAmail and IDEAL (but there are others) are also system for e-mandate.

As I am still handicapped with GitHub, thanks for putting that where it should be.  My proposal should to review as soon as possible this document and to provide it to the specifications.

Sorry not to be at telcon tomorrow.



    Cyril VIGNET (

    Département R&D Innovation
    BCA/Direction des Paiements Groupe
    Groupe BPCE
    50, avenue Pierre Mendès France 75201 Paris cedex 13
    Tél. : +33 1 58 40 02 34 - Port. : +33 6 22 04 08 56

Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2016 15:56:39 UTC