Re: [docs-and-reports] Principle: user opt-out should be undetectable (#49)

> We've gotten some pushback about this.

What is the pushback? I'd like to understand the tradeoff.

> Do we have a position on whether it's sufficient to reveal a "this API is not available" kind of signal as long as there are lots of other reasons for an API's unavailability, aside from the user opting out?
> This seems analogous to e.g. probes for device capabilities. "No you can't have gyroscope sensor access, either because the user said No or because there just is no gyroscope."

I don't think it's analogous. As we've talked about in PATCG meetings, these features are not for users but for site owners and advertisers. Hence, the incentives to push/harass users about their choices are very different than when a function intended for the user is turned off.

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